Call for Papers: Planning a Special Issue Proposal on “Food Security and Conflict” for World Development

The Households in Conflict Network (HiCN), ISDC – International Security and Development Center and FAO are planning a proposal for a special issue on the topic of “food security and conflict” to be submitted to “World Development” in mid-January 2017. This builds on a workshop on the theme held at FAO in Rome in October 2016 (LINK). Some of the papers presented there and a few additional papers will be proposed to the editors of World Development for consideration as a special issue.

Thematically, the key focus of the planned special issue is the causal relationships between various indicators of food security on the one hand and various forms of violent conflict, insecurity and fragility on the other hand. We would like to expand our understanding of the interdependencies between these issues at the micro- and macro-levels, drawing on case studies or cross-country analyses.

Authors interested to have their paper considered for inclusion in this proposal, please send the following information by email to by 9 January 2017:

  • a completed paper in pdf format;
  • a long abstract (750 words) including the paper’s title;
  • the authors’ names and affiliations; and
  • a short bio of each author (100 words each).

All submissions should be original, primary research, written in English and not be under review at any journal (or published at any journal or book).

We aim to inform you about the inclusion of your paper in the proposal by 15 January 2017.

Our Initiatives