ISDC’s Damir Esenaliev moderated a presentation of former Kyrgyz Prime Minister Djoomart Otorbaev’s new book, ‘Central Asia’s Economic Rebirth in the Shadow of the New Great Game’ in Berlin on the 23rd of March, 2023.
The book is a deep dive into Central Asia’s post-Soviet economic and political transformation and the challenges it faces as a region. The event was organised by the Kyrgyz Embassy in Germany and was attended by representatives from Central Asian embassies, the German Foreign Office, think tanks, and members of the general public.

Damir is a Senior Researcher at ISDC, Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) and the Academic Coordinator of the Life in Kyrgyzstan Study. His research interests include quantitative microeconomic research related to social cohesion, labor markets, inequality, rural development, and intergenerational mobility.