New world bank forced displacement report

ISDC contributes to World Bank Report on Forced Displacement and Social Cohesion

Forced displacement and its impact on lives and livelihoods are a common theme in ISDC’s research. According to UNHCR estimations, more than 100 million people were forcibly displaced as of May 2022. Our work contributes to understanding the myriad of consequences displacement has for displaced and host communities, including on how (groups of) people live together.

The World Bank has published a synthesis of new research on social cohesion and forced displacement. Bringing together evidence from 26 background studies, the launch of this report represents an important step in expanding what we know about how to prevent social conflict in these contexts – including our joint work with Mercy Corps in Jordan and Lebanon.

This topic is as relevant as ever and ISDC looks forward to continuing our important work.

Social Cohesion and Forced Displacement : A Synthesis of New Research was officially launched in a World Bank event on Wednesday, 18th of January 2023, which was be streamed live.

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