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Lame Ungwang and Dorothee Weiffen present at Nordic Conference in Development Economics

Peacebuilding Researcher Lame Ungwang and Welfare Researcher Dorothee Weiffen traveled to Gothenburg, Sweden this month to participate in the Nordic Conference in Development Economics (NCDE). Spread over 3 days, the annual conference brought together 100 participants in development economics from across Europe.

Doro presented early-stage work from our project in South Sudan in a session dedicated to disasters and health. She uses a quasi-random design to show that early action support in form of a cash transfer could mitigate the impact of natural hazards on households in a refugee setting. However, the analysis also shows significant welfare impacts of the intervention are not detectable half a year after the distribution and after exposure to severe flooding.

Lame shared results from her PhD study on menstrual cup adoption – a survey experiment that found nudging to be effective in spurring the adoption of sanitary health technologies among young girls in developing country contexts. These insights have strong policy implications, suggesting how to bolster the use of welfare improving technologies among the poor.

Engaging with broader academia is an important part of ISDC’s mission, and we appreciate the opportunity for Lame and Doro to speak at the NCDE.

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