The Life with Corona-Africa Webinar series is a forum to share and discuss new evidence and policy guidelines on how people in Africa respond to and cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers from the Life with Corona-Africa project will present insights that emerge from their micro-level analyses of economic, social, and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa.
The presented findings will build on extensive phone survey data on individuals and households collected over 12 months of the project. Data collection took place in four countries: Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Uganda. Topics will include food security, employment, income, gender, mental health, social cooperation, and social cohesion, among others.
Based on the presentation, the Webinar sessions aim to inform and facilitate discussion on 1) our conceptual understanding of how a global pandemic impacts Africa; 2) appropriate research methods to generate rigorous evidence while a pandemic unfolds; and 3) policy actions to address and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures to contain it in poor and fragile settings.