Progetto Senza Titolo (1)

Anticipating the impact of armed conflict on human development

Project Background

Armed conflict reverses human development, yet its full impact remains poorly understood due to fragmented research across disciplines. This multidisciplinary project integrates economics, epidemiology, political science, and conflict studies to assess conflict’s effects on economies, health, and political institutions, using a risk-analysis framework to model hazard, exposure, and vulnerability while expanding early-warning systems for more effective policy responses.

Project Objectives

ISDC contributes to the ANTICIPATE research grand assessing the microeconomic impacts of conflict. Specifically, we review and estimate the micro-economic impacts of conflict across multiple socio-economic indicators (such as employment, labor, agricultural production, expenditure, sales of assets, food security, and nutrition) and cross-cutting domains (gender and climate).


Ghassan zoom 1

Ghassan Baliki

Doro 2 zoom

Dorothee Weiffen

Tilman zoom

Tilman Brück

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