Darfur (notsure) unicef wfp

Impact Evaluation of WFP and UNICEF’s Joint Programme in Darfur

Project Background

Sudan is facing a severe humanitarian crisis as ongoing violent conflict has led to widespread food insecurity, limited access to essential services, and displacement. The situation is especially serious in Darfur, where half the population depended on humanitarian aid even before the war. The joint programme by WFP and UNICEF aims to provide long-term solutions for nearly 300,000 vulnerable people in South, Central, and North Darfur.

Project Objectives

ISDC is conducting an impact evaluation of the joint programme, applying its expertise in causal analysis in crisis settings. Given Sudan’s volatile security and political situation, the initial phase focuses on assessing available data to monitor the crisis. Based on these insights, ISDC will develop a rigorous methodology to measure the programme’s impact, which can be utilised for programme evaluations in other emergency contexts.

Project Details


Tilman zoom

Tilman Brück

Wolfgang zoom 08490

Wolfgang Stojetz

Timur Zoom 6359

Timur Cipa

Francisca 2 Zoom 8757

Francisca Castro

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