Data Gap Analysis for SDG-16 In Uganda

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a globally accepted framework for tracking development progress consisting of 17 goals with 169 associated targets and 232 indicators. The 17 goals cover all interrelated social, economic and environmental dimensions of development. SDG 16 aims to “promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build e ective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”. The inclusion of SDG 16 in the SDG framework was a major achievement of the international community because it recognizes the importance of peace, rule of law and inclusion for sustainable development. This goal addresses three interrelated topics, namely “peace”, “inclusion” and “institutions”, which are key enablers for the achievement of all other goals.

While quality data can play a vital role in tracking progress on the SDGs, obtaining it for all the goals can be challenging, given the breath of the statistical capacities required at national level. Globally, indicators for SDG 16 have been some of the most challenging to collect. Addressing this challenge requires comprehensive stock-taking of the SDG 16 indicators to facilitate investments in closing the existing gaps.

In this report, the government of Uganda undertook a data audit to ascertain the gaps in reporting on the SDG 16 indicators. The scope of this report was informed by an inception mission that involved stakeholder consultations the key SDG 16 actors including data producers and users. The analysis is envisaged to facilitate readiness for planning and mainstreaming of SDG 16 in the national and subnational development frameworks, identification of potential areas for data capacity development, and support for monitoring and reporting on the 2030 Agenda. It elaborates:

  1. (i)  The identification of data gaps;
  2. (ii)  The identification of proxy indicators, where actual indicators cannot be generated;
  3. (iii)  The national institutional architecture for generation of SDG 16 data;
  4. (iv)  A monitoring and review mechanism for peaceful, just and e ective institutions.

Publication Details

Suggested Citation

UBOS and UNDP, Data Gap Analysis For SDG16 in Uganda, Kampala, June 2020



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