The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis affecting everyone. Yet, its challenges and countermeasures vary significantly over time and space. Individual experiences of the pandemic are highly heterogeneous and its impacts span and interlink multiple dimensions, such as health, economic, social and political impacts. Therefore,
there is a need to disaggregate “the pandemic”: analysing experiences, behaviours and impacts at the micro level and from multiple disciplinary perspectives. Such analyses require multi-topic pan-national survey data that are collected continuously and can be matched with other datasets, such as disease statistics or information
on countermeasures. To this end, we introduce a new dataset that matches these desirable properties – the Life with Corona (LwC) survey – and perform illustrative analyses to show the importance of such micro data to understand how the pandemic and its countermeasures shape lives and societies over time.
Publication Details
- Year of Publication: 2022
- Region/s: Global
- Theme/s: Individual Decision-making · Micro-Data Collection · Shocks & Livelihoods
- DOI: