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Save the Date: 20th Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) Annual Workshop

Since 2004, the Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) has fostered academic research and learning on the micro-level experiences and consequences of violent conflict. In addition to its Working Paper Series, the flagship activity of HiCN has been its annual workshops. Every year, a different host institution cooperates with the HiCN Co-Directors to issue a call for papers that empirically analyze the causes, functioning, and consequences of violent conflict around the world, and of approaches to resolving these conflicts.

The Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) will take place in Berlin on 01 and 02 October, 2024. Details on the workshop and the call for papers will be published once available.

The main themes of the annual workshops have spanned multiple disciplines across peace research; and topically, have addressed migration and forced displacement, food security, health, and education. Cross-cutting themes have included gender as well as elections, local governance and trust and, more recently, climate and weather shocks. Methodologically, how to conduct micro-level research collecting and analyzing quantitative data, especially through surveys, has been another recurrent theme.

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