18th annual hicn workshop

The 2022 Households in Conflict Network Workshop

Every year, the Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) organizes a workshop for researchers from around the world to present and discuss their work. On the 23rd and 24th of November, Arzu Kirbis hosted the 18th Annual HiCN Workshop at the University of Warwick (Coventry, UK) – giving more than 30 academics an opportunity to share their research with their peers.

The theme was individual level consequences of exposure to violent conflict. The packed program definitely delivered: Papers looked at conflict from a variety of perspectives, from the link between forced recruitment and domestic violence in DR Congo, over conflict in Turkish football referee decisions, all the way to different examinations of the relationship between conflict and labor markets.

After two full days, we hope that every participant was able to take input for current (or inspiration for future) work back home with them, and thank them for their active participation.

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About HiCN

Since 2004, the Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) has been bringing together academics and pushing for more research on micro-level effects of violent conflict. With more than 350 published Working Papers and many events, HiCN continues to work towards filling this important knowledge gap through publications, events, projects, and networks. You can find the whole Working Paper Series and more information at HiCN.org.

To inquire about becoming a HiCN Affiliate or handing in a Working Paper, contact Dorian Loetzer (info@hicn.org).

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