Unhcr gppi report news item

New Joint Report on UNHCR’s Humanitarian-Development Cooperation

We are pleased to announce the release of UNHCR’s Engagement inHumanitarian-Development Cooperation Post-2021: How to Stay the Course – a report examining the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) engagement in humanitarian-development cooperation. It is a result of the collaborative effort between experts from ISDC, the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), and colleagues at UNHCR.

This comprehensive report offers an in-depth analysis of UNHCR’s efforts to address the needs of refugees and displaced individuals. It serves as a follow-up to Phase 1 of the project, including a longitudinal evaluation conducted from September 2018 to March 2021. Phase 2, culminating in this report, extended its scope to track UNHCR’s progress in implementing Phase 1’s recommendations and presenting new evidence on lessons learned, good practices, and the effects of humanitarian-development cooperation on refugees.

The report incorporates insights from 135 staff members working across various UNHCR locations, including headquarters, regional offices, and country operations in Kenya and Mauritania. To better understand the impact of humanitarian-development cooperation, the report includes rigorous statistical analyses of UNHCR datasets covering refugees in Jordan and refugees, stateless persons, and local residents in Kenya. Additionally, it features findings from focus group discussions with refugees in Mauritania.

We thank our partners at UNHCR and GPPi for allowing us to contribute to this report and believe it provides valuable insights to support UNHCR’s mission.

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