Workshops & Seminars

Workshop on Employment for Stability

A workshop on ‘Employment for Stability’ will be held in The Hague on 14 June 2017 from 10.00 – 12.00 to present and discuss findings of the research project “Does Opportunity Reduce Instability? A Meta-Analysis of Skills and Employment Interventions in LMICs”. The multi-year research project is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and led by The […]

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The World Bank Brown Bag Workshop on Jobs, Gender, and Labor Market Policies in the Kyrgyz Republic: Evidence from a Panel Household Survey

The seminar will take place on 11 May 2017 at The World Bank in Washington DC. It will explore recent research findings on household labor behavior and labor markets developments using evidence from the Life in Kyrgyzstan Study – a unique, multi-topic longitudinal survey of 3000 households in the Kyrgyz Republic conducted between 2010 and 2016.

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Workshop on Social Cohesion and Community-Driven Development in Fragile Environments: Lessons from Kyrgyz Republic and Beyond

The workshop, co-hosted by World Bank GSURR/social development, CDD Global Solutions Group, Aga Khan Foundation and the State and Peace-building Fund (SPF), will take place on 10 May 2017. The Kyrgyz Republic’s ‘Social Cohesion Through Community Based Approaches (SoCo)” Project, financed by the World Bank’s State- and Peace-Building Trust Fund and the Aga Khan Foundation, was […]

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IFPRI Seminar on Agricultural Transformation in Central Asia: The Case of Kyrgyzstan

ISDC is co-organising a Seminar on Agricultural Transformation in Central Asia in collaboration with IFPRI’s Central Asia Program, the University of Central Asia and SIPRI. The seminar will take place at International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington, DC, USA on 9 May 2017. Papers presented in the seminar provide evidence on kidney beans and sheep meat value […]

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Invitation to Attend: Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference 2016

Academic Organizers: Tilman Brück (IGZ/ISDC), Patricia Justino (IDS), Philip Verwimp (Université Libre de Bruxelles) and Marco d’Errico (FAO)Institute of Public Policy and Administration of the University of Central Asia (UCA), Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), International Security and Development Center (ISDC) and the Food and Agriculture […]

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Round Table on the Impact of Employment Programmes on Peacebuilding

The International Labour Organization (ILO), the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank (WB) have teamed up for an extensive joint research on the impact of employment programmes on peacebuilding, funded by the UN-WB Fragility and Conflict Partnership Trust Fund. The research includes a literature review, country-case studies […]

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Public Discussion on European Peace

“Der europäische Traum vom ewigen Frieden” will be discussed by Herfried Münkler, Markus Bentler, Tilman Brück, Oliver Diggelmann and Norbert Röttgen at the NZZ Podium Berlin on 15 September 2014 at 6:30pm at the BBAW in Berlin. Further details including a link to register can be found here.

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Final Workshop of the Training and Mobility Network for the Economic Analysis of Conflict (TAMNEAC)

The workshop is co-organized by Université Libre de Bruxelles, ISDC – International Security and Development Center and Humboldt-University of Berlin and it is being held on 8 and 9 September 2014 in Brussels at Université Libre de Bruxelles. TAMNEAC provides training to a young generation of professionals and researchers in tackling the challenges associated with […]

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