Tilman Brück, Wolfgang Stojetz, and Mekdim Regassa presented the results of our joint Life with Corona – Africa project at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) this week.
We presented at the BMBF’s Status Seminar, where all the projects funded under the “Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA) of Modern Life Sciences” shared the results of their research via posters, talks, and pitch presentations.

The key project details and results are summarized in the poster we presented.
Funded via ELSA, Life with Corona – Africa is a research project dedicated to understanding how people in Africa perceive, respond to, and cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. The study examined health, psychological, economic, and social impacts of the pandemic and of the countermeasures taken.
Find out more at lifewithcorona.org/africa.