Child Development in the Context of a School Feeding Program in Kyrgyzstan

The Kyrgyz Government introduced a breakfast program for primary school children in 2006. In recent years, the Kyrgyz Government has expanded the coverage of schools with hot meals with the funding and implementation support from donors, local governments, and communities. Generally, donors help to establish the infrastructure and provide support for 1-2 years with the aim to make schools “graduate” and for the activities to become sustainable. These interventions not only cover the nutritional aspects but also have hygiene and community/parent-based training components.

In this project, ISDC studies the effects of nutrition on health and education among Kyrgyz children, and the causal impacts of the McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program on these outcomes. The research will be based on survey data from 3,000 households from 150 communities in Kyrgyzstan and is funded by Mercy Corps Kyrgyzstan. 

By generating knowledge and building capacity, the study will contribute to improved designs and implementation of programs seeking to support children in Kyrgyzstan and beyond.


Wolfgang zoom 08490

Wolfgang Stojetz

Tilman zoom

Tilman Brück

Damir zoom 08862

Damir Esenaliev

Dsc01906 1 edited

Philipp Schröder

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