Gendered Dimensions of Forced Displacement in North-east Nigeria

The overall objective of this project is to study gendered dimensions of livelihoods in the context of forced displacement in a rural humanitarian emergency setting. Specifically, we perform four sets of empirical analyses:

  1. We provide in-depth insights into the gendered differences in livelihood outcomes among internally displaced persons (IDPs), including realized and aspired outcomes.
  2. We study the gendered constraints shaping livelihood outcomes among IDPs, including contextual, endowment and household-level factors.
  3. We conduct comparisons of gendered livelihood outcomes and constraints between camp IDPs, non-camp IDPs and comparable non-IDPs in host communities.
  4. We analyze the role of violence and weather shocks in shaping gendered outcomes, constraints and differences across the three groups, paying particular attention to the context of a rural, agricultural setting.

We analyze these topics in the context of North-east Nigeria, which is a humanitarian, development and conflict crisis setting. The North-east, an area characterized by agriculture and relatively low population density, has been characterized by violence between armed groups and against civilians since 2009.


Tilman zoom

Tilman Brück

Wolfgang zoom 08490

Wolfgang Stojetz

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