Life with Corona in Africa

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Life with Corona in Africa project aims to generate new evidence and policy guidelines on how African citizens respond to and cope with the profound global shock to their lives and livelihoods caused by Covid-19. The LwC-Africa project builds on the unique Life with Corona online survey to advance understanding of how the pandemic is affecting health, food, work, gender and social cohesion outcomes in order to better prepare communities and governments to respond to the challenges ahead as the pandemic spreads across the continent. The LwC-Africa project will collect four quarterly repeated cross-sectional phone- based surveys over 12 months.

The specific objectives of the project are to:

  • advance our conceptual understanding of how a global pandemic impacts on Africa;
  • design appropriate research methods to generate rigorous evidence while a pandemic unfolds across Africa;
  • generate quarterly phone survey data on how people in five Sub-Saharan African countries are coping with the pandemic over 12 months;
  • produce rigorous analysis on the impacts of the pandemic; and
  • support policy actions to address and mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the measures to contain it.

The findings of this project will advance our understanding of the special challenges of coping with Corona in low income and fragile settings and will contribute to better policies and aid programmes to support the most vulnerable African countries.

Visit the Life with Corona website.

BMBF project description.


Project Details


Tilman zoom

Tilman Brück

Neil zoom 08474

Neil Ferguson

Wolfgang zoom 08490

Wolfgang Stojetz

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