Evaluation of UNHCR’s Engagement in Humanitarian-Development Cooperation

Displacement trends show that developing countries host most of the world’s refugees and are dealing with displacement that lasts longer today than in the past. UNHCR sees an opportunity to improve outcomes for both refugees and host communities by combining humanitarian and development strategies.

In most cases, increased humanitarian-development cooperation had primarily positive effects on refugees, with host communities also benefiting from related investments. However, there are some concerns that development interventions would replace the humanitarian assistance refugees had been receiving, without enabling them to be fully self-reliant. 

The report includes analysis of the case studies, evaluation of UNHCR’s approach, and recommendations for future humanitarian-development cooperation.

Publication Details

Suggested Citation

Steets, J; Lehmann, J; Brück, T; Baliki, G; Ferguson, N; Peitz, L; Díaz, O (2021) Evaluation of UNHCR's Engagement in Humanitarian-Development Cooperation (Volume 1: Main Report) UNHCR. https://www.unhcr.org/61af7be94


Tilman zoom

Tilman Brück

Ghassan zoom 1

Ghassan Baliki

Laura peitz

Laura Peitz

Neil zoom 08474

Neil Ferguson

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