We survey efforts that track food security in Africa using phone surveys during the COVID-19 pandemic. Phone surveys are concentrated in a few countries mostly focusing on a narrow theme. Only a few allow heterogeneous analyses across socioeconomic, spatial, and intertemporal dimensions across countries, leaving important issues inadequately enumerated. We recommend that the scientific community focuses on countries (and regions and groups within countries) where the evidence base is thin, and that policymakers in less researched areas attract more research by improving their statistical capacity, openness, and governance.
Publication Details
- Year of Publication: 2022
- Region/s: Middle East & North Africa · Sub-Saharan Africa
- Theme/s: Impact Evaluation · Micro-Data Collection
- Research Topic/s: Conflict Measurement · Food Security & Nutrition · Health
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-022-01330-8