Financing Peace Processes

Peace negotiations, almost inherently, involve imbalances and inequalities between the actors involved (e.g. national governments versus non-government violent organisations) and, consequently, typically require external funding for at least one negotiating party. At first glance, however, funding for peace negotiations does not appear to conform to a typical, economic, market logic. Those who demand the services […]

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The Micro-level Analysis of the Impact of Violent Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods in the MENA Region

The MENA region is characterized by several interrelated socio-economic trends including rapidly growing populations, on average high degrees of (youth) unemployment, strong gender differences in terms of labor market participation, and political radicalization. The countries in the region often have weak and/or authoritarian central government institutions, declining public revenues from natural resources except in a […]

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Home Gardens For Resilience and Recovery (HG4RR)

HG4RR is an international network of experts (researchers and practitioners from South and East Asia and Europe) aiming to advance our knowledge on topics related to home gardens, resilience, food security, and interventions. The project is hosted at IGZ, Grossbeeren.

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