Feasibility Study to Assess the Use of Existing Micro-data on Somalia for Impact Evaluations

This project is a scoping study that looks at the feasibility of using current and future administrative data in order to conduct impact evaluations of the World Food Programme’s operations in Somalia. Specifically, the World Food Programme are interested in the relatively effects of two types of intervention: prevention programs, which are designed to prevent children from dropping below certain nutritional thresholds; and treatment programs, which are designed to boost the nutrition of those children who have fallen below these thresholds.

The project assesses the feasibility of conduct three types of impact evaluation: 1) an “illustrative evaluation” for donors, which is based on normal program monitoring data; 2) a non-experimental evaluation for wider practice communities, using data garnered from field ledgers, which although presently un-coded, provides longitudinal data on individuals who enter into any kind of programming; and 3) a quasi-experimental evaluation using SCOPE data.


Project Details


Neil zoom 08474

Neil Ferguson

Tilman zoom

Tilman Brück

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