Poverty & Inequality
- Effects of the Intensity and Duration of COVID-19 Lockdown Policies on the Use of Coping Strategies: Evidence from Four African Countries
- Shocking social safety: Evidence from violence and drought in North-east Nigeria
- Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement: A Brief Review and Introduction to the Special Issue
- The Double Burden of Female Protracted Displacement: Survey Evidence on Gendered Livelihoods in El Fasher, Darfur
- Prevalence of Depression and Associated Socio-economic Outcomes during Violent Conflict: A Matched Analysis for Palestine Using Nationally Representative Survey and Conflict Event Data
- Impact Assessment: Evaluation of Jobs-Based Programming for Stability
- The burden of experience: Remembering life events increases poor people’s rejection of risky but favorable bets
- Do Work Permits Work? The Impacts of Formal Labor Market Integration of Syrian Refugees in Jordan
- Welfare Effects of Smallholder Export Participation: Evidence from Panel Data in Kyrgyzstan
- Coping with Compounding Challenges in Conflict Crises: Evidence from North-east Nigeria
- Ethnic inequality and forced displacement
- Micro-Foundations of Fragility: Concepts, Measurement and Application
- The Double Burden of Female Protracted Displacement: Survey Evidence on Gendered Livelihoods in El Fasher, Darfur
- Inter-relationships between Fragility and Poverty: A Micro-level Analysis in Kenya
- Effects of poverty on fragility: A micro-level analysis in Kenya
- A White Paper on Identifying Priority Variables on Households, Firms and Markets for Understanding Micro-Dynamics of Food Security in Insecure Situations
- Monitoring and Impact Analysis of the BMZ and EU-funded FAO Resilience Programme in Syria
- Supporting Emergency Needs, Early Recovery and Longer-term Resilience in Syria’s Agriculture Sector
- Data Gap Analysis for SDG-16 In Uganda
- What Works And What’s Next For Social Stability In Jordan?
- Gender Earnings Inequality and Wage Policy: Teachers, Health Care, and Social Workers in Central Asia
- Rural Youth in the Context of Fragility and Conflict
- The Impact of Job Quality on Wellbeing: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan
- Money Changes Everything? Education and Regional Deprivation Revisited
- Impact Study of Drought Anticipatory Action in the Sahel
- Impact Study of the Rural Rehabilitation Initiative in Syria (ILRS)
- Life-Cycle Impacts of Center-Based Childcare for Children and Women in the Kyrgyz Republic
- Agricultural development, climate adaptation and energy transition in the Kyrgyz Republic
- Social protection in complex humanitarian settings
- Impact Evaluation on Re-targeting WFP’s Humanitarian Assistance in Lebanon
- Impact Assessment for the Building Local Resilience in Syria (BLRS) Project
- Climate Change Vulnerability Among Refugees in Jordan
- Support for the FAO Impact Analysis of the “Restoring food and nutrition security of affected Farming and pastoral communities in Sudan” project
- Impact Evaluation of OCHA’s Anticipatory Action in Bentiu, South Sudan
- Impact Evaluation of a Social Safety Net Intervention in the Republic of Congo
- Anticipating the impact of armed conflict on human development
- Gendered Dimensions of Protracted Forced Displacement in Sudan
- The Micro-level Analysis of the Impact of Violent Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods in the MENA Region
- Micro-level Linkages between Poverty and Fragility
- KOSMOS Lecture: Towards Zero Hunger
- 20th Annual Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) Workshop
- 10th Annual Life in Kyrgyzstan (LiK) Conference
- 19th Annual Households in Conflict Network Workshop
- 7th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference
- 17th Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network: Conflict, Migration, and Displacement
- Viola Convertito
- Neil Ferguson
- Tilman Brück
- Melodie Al Daccache
- Florena Montoya
- Jonathan Garcia Fuentes
- Andrea Guariso
- Anke Hoeffler
- Timur Cipa
- Valentyna Lapa
- Maren M. Michaelsen
- Sami Miaari
- Piero Ronzani
- Ayşegül Kayaoğlu
- Wim Naudé
- Luke Hosford
- Paulina Rebolledo
- Philipp Schröder
- Jessie Schleypen
- Mekdim Dereje Regassa
- Laura Peitz
- Rebecca Wolfe
- Damir Esenaliev