Humanitarian emergencies represent a key obstacle for equitable human development. Often extensive political violence is deeply entwined with complex emergencies, as political orders are challenged as emergencies unfold. Furthermore, while supporting ‘normal’ development is already a tall challenge, intervening in humanitarian emergencies is in itself a complex task, often undertaking with limited resources and under time pressure. Yet overcoming humanitarian emergencies and achieving socio-economic development are two sides of the same coin and it is increasingly recognized that humanitarian and development interventions are more effective if closely integrated. ISDC can provide rigorous evidence on how humanitarian emergencies impact people, how interventions impact people and how interventions can be best designed under these circumstances. We work with governments, international organizations, foundations and NGOs to generate knowledge to overcome humanitarian emergencies.
Humanitarian Emergencies
- Effects of the Intensity and Duration of COVID-19 Lockdown Policies on the Use of Coping Strategies: Evidence from Four African Countries
- The impacts of armed conflict on human development: A review of the literature
- Impacts of early action support on lives and livelihoods in South Sudan: The Life in Bentiu Study – Final impact report
- Short- and medium-term impacts of small-scale vegetable support on food security: evidence from Syria
- Systematic review on the impacts of agricultural interventions on food security and nutrition in complex humanitarian emergency settings
- Prevalence of Depression and Associated Socio-economic Outcomes during Violent Conflict: A Matched Analysis for Palestine Using Nationally Representative Survey and Conflict Event Data
- Armed conflict and gendered participation in agrifood systems: Survey evidence from 29 African countries
- Do Work Permits Work? The Impacts of Formal Labor Market Integration of Syrian Refugees in Jordan
- UNHCR’s Engagement in Humanitarian-Development Cooperation Post-2021: How to Stay the Course
- Home garden interventions in crisis and emergency settings
- Baseline Report: Impact Analysis of the FAO Sudan CERF Project
- Exposure to collective gender-based violence causes intimate partner violence
- Coping with Compounding Challenges in Conflict Crises: Evidence from North-east Nigeria
- How to conduct impact evaluations in humanitarian and conflict settings
- Conducting (Long-term) Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian and Conflict Settings: Evidence from a complex agricultural intervention in Syria
- Mental Health in the West Bank and Gaza
- Micro-Foundations of Fragility: Concepts, Measurement and Application
- Syria: Do complex agricultural interventions strengthen food security? (Evidence brief)
- Supporting Emergency Needs, Early Recovery and Longer-term Resilience in Syria’s Agriculture Sector (Endline Report 2021)
- The Double Burden of Female Protracted Displacement: Survey Evidence on Gendered Livelihoods in El Fasher, Darfur
- Drivers of food choice among children and caregivers in post-earthquake Nepal
- A White Paper on Identifying Priority Variables on Households, Firms and Markets for Understanding Micro-Dynamics of Food Security in Insecure Situations
- Monitoring and Impact Analysis of the BMZ and EU-funded FAO Resilience Programme in Syria
- The Nexus of Food, Drought and Conflict: Evidence from a Case-Study on Somalia
- What Works And What’s Next For Social Stability In Jordan?
- Activity Choices of Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees: Quantitative Survey Evidence from Post-War Northern Uganda
- The effects of violent conflict on household resilience and food security: Evidence from the 2014 Gaza conflict
- Strengthening Food Security in Acute Crisis Settings: First Insights from North-east Nigeria
- Drivers of Resilience and Food Security in North-east Nigeria: Learning from Micro Data in an Emergency Setting
- Food security and violent conflict: Introduction to the special issue
- The Relationships between Food Security and Violent Conflict. A Report to the Food and Agriculture Organization
- Impact Evaluation of WFP and UNICEF’s Joint Programme in Darfur
- Evaluating Protection Outcomes of ICRC EcoSec Interventions
- Social protection in complex humanitarian settings
- The ‘Life in Bentiu’ Study
- Measuring Food System Resilience in Sudan
- Violent Conflict and Forced Displacement: Evidence on Social Behavior and Economic Well-Being Among Refugees in Jordan
- Impact Evaluation of OCHA’s Anticipatory Action in Bentiu, South Sudan
- Evaluation of UNHCR’s Engagement in Humanitarian-Development Cooperation
- Resilience in North-East Nigeria
- Anticipating the impact of armed conflict on human development
- Gendered Dimensions of Protracted Forced Displacement in Sudan
- Gendered Dimensions of Forced Displacement in North-east Nigeria
- Addressing the challenges of the forcibly displaced and their host communities in the ESCWA region
- SEEDS: Long-term Impacts of a Complex Agricultural Intervention on Welfare, Behaviour and Stability in Syria
- Gendered Dimensions of Forced Displacement
- Impact Evaluation of UNHCR’s Engagement in Humanitarian-Development Cooperation
- How to Better Measure and Analyze Food Insecurity in Conflict-affected Areas
- Impact Analysis of Food Security Interventions in North-East Nigeria
- Analyzing the Link Between Employment Programs and Social Stability – Phase I
- Sowing and Harvesting Peace for Food Security
- Feasibility Study to Assess the Use of Existing Micro-data on Somalia for Impact Evaluations
- Micro-data on Households, Markets and Firms in Crisis: Understanding micro-economic impact and response to shocks in hard to reach environments
- Impact Analysis of a Food Security and Resilience Program in Syria
- An Impact Evaluation of WFP Malnutrition Interventions in Niger
- ANH Learning Lab: Conducting Impact Evaluations in Conflict Settings
- KOSMOS Lecture: Towards Zero Hunger
- 20th Annual Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) Workshop
- 19th Annual Households in Conflict Network Workshop
- CEDIL Policy Workshop 2022
- New Methods for Impact Evaluations in Conflict and Humanitarian Emergency Settings: An International Interdisciplinary Research Workshop
- HG4RR Webinar Series: Impact of home gardens on household dietary diversity and micronutrient status in rural Tanzania
- 17th Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network: Conflict, Migration, and Displacement
- HG4RR Webinar Series – The Permagarden Pathway to Resilience and Food Security
- HG4RR Webinar Series: Nutrition Income Generation Intervention, Uganda
- HG4RR Webinar – Session #3
- HG4RR Webinar Series – Session #1
- 15th Annual HiCN Workshop “New Methods in Empirical Conflict Research”
- Workshop on Home Gardens as a Coping Strategy in Crises and Humanitarian Emergencies