Institutions & Fragility
- Mutual Knowledge of Social Norms and Political Behavior
- Shocking social safety: Evidence from violence and drought in North-east Nigeria
- The impacts of armed conflict on human development: A review of the literature
- Institutional trust in the time of corona: Evidence from countermeasures in Germany
- Do Work Permits Work? The Impacts of Formal Labor Market Integration of Syrian Refugees in Jordan
- Welfare Effects of Smallholder Export Participation: Evidence from Panel Data in Kyrgyzstan
- Monitoring and Impact Analysis of the EU-Funded Smallholder Support Programme (SSP) for Agriculture Transformation
- Micro-Foundations of Fragility: Concepts, Measurement and Application
- Inter-relationships between Fragility and Poverty: A Micro-level Analysis in Kenya
- Effects of poverty on fragility: A micro-level analysis in Kenya
- Conflict and development. Recent research advances and future agendas
- New Report: Life with Corona – Shared Global Sentiments and Stark Generational Divides
- Trust in the Time of Corona
- Social Protection in Contexts of Fragility and Forced Displacement: Introduction to a Special Issue
- On the Legacies of Wartime Governance
- Analysis, Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ADMEL): Designing a Process for Learning from Employment for Stability Programming
- Evaluating Protection Outcomes of ICRC EcoSec Interventions
- Climate Change Vulnerability Among Refugees in Jordan
- Peacebuilding Fund Impact Evaluation, Learning and Dissemination: Phase 2 (PeaceFIELD2)
- Women’s Action Committees and Local Services
- Anticipating the impact of armed conflict on human development
- The Micro-level Analysis of the Impact of Violent Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods in the MENA Region
- SEEDS: Long-term Impacts of a Complex Agricultural Intervention on Welfare, Behaviour and Stability in Syria
- Agricultural Transformation in Syria: Impact Evaluation of FAO’s Smallholder Support Program
- Inequality and Governance in Unstable Democracies: The Mediating Role of Trust
- Data Gap Analysis for Sustainable Development Goals 16 in Uganda
- Measuring Violent Conflict in Micro-Level Surveys: Training Course
- Analysis, Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ADMEL): Designing a Process for Learning from Employment for Stability Programming
- Micro-Foundations of Fragility: Concepts, Measurement and Application
- Employment Interventions and Peace
- Micro-data on Households, Markets and Firms in Crisis: Understanding micro-economic impact and response to shocks in hard to reach environments
- 20th Annual Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) Workshop
- 10th Annual Life in Kyrgyzstan (LiK) Conference
- 19th Annual Households in Conflict Network Workshop
- 7th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference
- 17th Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network: Conflict, Migration, and Displacement
- HG4RR Webinar Series: Nutrition Income Generation Intervention, Uganda