Peacebuilding & Reconstruction
- The Peace Bargain (Policy Brief)
- The Peace Bargain
- Impact Assessment: Evaluation of Jobs-Based Programming for Stability
- Monitoring and Impact Analysis of the EU-Funded Smallholder Support Programme (SSP) for Agriculture Transformation
- On the behavioral impacts of violence: Evidence from incentivized games in Kenya
- Building Stability Between Host and Refugee Communities: Evidence from a TVET Program in Jordan and Lebanon
- Ethnic inequality and forced displacement
- Supporting Emergency Needs, Early Recovery and Longer-term Resilience in Syria’s Agriculture Sector (Endline Report 2021)
- The Double Burden of Female Protracted Displacement: Survey Evidence on Gendered Livelihoods in El Fasher, Darfur
- Analysing the Role of Employment Programmes in Building Peace and Stability
- Monitoring and Impact Analysis of the BMZ and EU-funded FAO Resilience Programme in Syria
- Supporting Emergency Needs, Early Recovery and Longer-term Resilience in Syria’s Agriculture Sector
- Data Gap Analysis for SDG-16 In Uganda
- Impact evaluation of the Livingsidebyside peacebuilding educational programme in Kyrgyzstan
- Conflict and development. Recent research advances and future agendas
- Can Jobs Programs Build Peace?
- The Cost of Talking Peace
- The Cost of Talking Peace: Financing peace negotiation and mediation processes
- What Works And What’s Next For Social Stability In Jordan?
- The World Food Programme’s Contribution to Improving the Prospects for Peace in Kyrgyzstan
- Can employment build peace? A pseudo-meta-analysis of employment programmes in Africa
- On the Legacies of Wartime Governance
- Can Jobs Programs Build Peace
- Activity Choices of Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees: Quantitative Survey Evidence from Post-War Northern Uganda
- On the Return on Investment of Security Sector Assistance and Peacebuilding Assistance
- Analysis, Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ADMEL): Designing a Process for Learning from Employment for Stability Programming
- Jobs Aid Peace: Review of the Theory and Practice of the Impact of Employment Programmes on Peace in Fragile and Conflict-affected Countries
- Money can’t buy love but can it buy peace? Evidence from the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation (PEACE II)
- Evaluating Protection Outcomes of ICRC EcoSec Interventions
- Peacebuilding Fund Impact Evaluation, Learning and Dissemination: Phase 2 (PeaceFIELD2)
- LEAD 2 Impact Assessment: Entrepreneurship Training and Social Stability in Somalia and Tunisia
- Financing the Implementation of Peace Agreements
- Financing Peace Processes
- Building Stability Between Host and Refugee Communities through TVET Programming
- Conflict Prevention through Youth Employment in Niger
- Peacebuilding Fund Impact Evaluation, Learning and Dissemination: Phase 1 (PeaceFIELD1)
- Gendered Dimensions of Protracted Forced Displacement in Sudan
- Gendered Dimensions of Forced Displacement in North-east Nigeria
- Addressing the challenges of the forcibly displaced and their host communities in the ESCWA region
- The Micro-level Analysis of the Impact of Violent Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods in the MENA Region
- Agricultural Transformation in Syria: Impact Evaluation of FAO’s Smallholder Support Program
- Inequality and Governance in Unstable Democracies: The Mediating Role of Trust
- Analyzing the Link Between Employment Programs and Social Stability – Phase II
- On the Return on Investment of Security Sector Assistance and Peacebuilding Assistance
- Analysis, Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ADMEL): Designing a Process for Learning from Employment for Stability Programming
- Analyzing the Link Between Employment Programs and Social Stability – Phase I
- Does Opportunity Reduce Instability? A Meta-Analysis of Skills and Employment Interventions in LMICs
- Employment Interventions and Peace
- Conflict and development. Recent research advances and future agendas
- Impact Happy Hour der Entwicklungspolitik – Was wirkt in der Friedensförderung?
- 20th Annual Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) Workshop
- 19th Annual Households in Conflict Network Workshop
- 17th Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network: Conflict, Migration, and Displacement
- Workshop on the challenges facing Angolan youth “A juventude em Angola face aos desafios do future — Forças e fraquezas”