The social impact of political violence has been described as development in reverse, with no conflict-affected country achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Violent conflict imposes significant costs on the countries that experience it and the individuals who are victimized by it. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to understand the nature and drivers of these outcomes; how adversities can be overcome; and how violent manifestations of conflict can be avoided. ISDC studies how households experience conflict, how individuals respond to violence, and the performance of interventions designed to avoid conflict occurring in the first place, or designed to rebuild societies post-conflict. We pay particular attention to various types of political violence, ranging from perceived insecurity via riots, terrorism and uprisings to civil war and international war as well as genocide.
Violence & Peacebuilding
- The impacts of armed conflict on human development: A review of the literature
- Prevalence of Depression and Associated Socio-economic Outcomes during Violent Conflict: A Matched Analysis for Palestine Using Nationally Representative Survey and Conflict Event Data
- The Peace Bargain (Policy Brief)
- The Peace Bargain
- Ethnic Cooperation and Conflict in Kenya
- Exposure to collective gender-based violence causes intimate partner violence
- Monitoring and Impact Analysis of the EU-Funded Smallholder Support Programme (SSP) for Agriculture Transformation
- On the behavioral impacts of violence: Evidence from incentivized games in Kenya
- Building Stability Between Host and Refugee Communities: Evidence from a TVET Program in Jordan and Lebanon
- Ethnic inequality and forced displacement
- The Economic Burden of Violent Conflict
- The Double Burden of Female Protracted Displacement: Survey Evidence on Gendered Livelihoods in El Fasher, Darfur
- Analysing the Role of Employment Programmes in Building Peace and Stability
- A White Paper on Identifying Priority Variables on Households, Firms and Markets for Understanding Micro-Dynamics of Food Security in Insecure Situations
- Monitoring and Impact Analysis of the BMZ and EU-funded FAO Resilience Programme in Syria
- Supporting Emergency Needs, Early Recovery and Longer-term Resilience in Syria’s Agriculture Sector
- The Wisdom Of Seeking Crowd Wisdom. Reflections on the ethics of using crowdsourcing and crowdseeding to collect data in conflict zones
- Data Gap Analysis for SDG-16 In Uganda
- Conflict and development. Recent research advances and future agendas
- Can Jobs Programs Build Peace?
- The Cost of Talking Peace
- The Cost of Talking Peace: Financing peace negotiation and mediation processes
- What Works And What’s Next For Social Stability In Jordan?
- The World Food Programme’s Contribution to Improving the Prospects for Peace in Kyrgyzstan
- Conflict and development: Recent research advances and future agendas
- Social Protection in Contexts of Fragility and Forced Displacement: Introduction to a Special Issue
- Rural Youth in the Context of Fragility and Conflict
- Can employment build peace? A pseudo-meta-analysis of employment programmes in Africa
- Micro-Foundations of Fragility: Concepts, Measurement and Application
- On the Legacies of Wartime Governance
- Determinants and Dynamics of Forced Migration to Europe: Evidence from a 3-D Model of Flows and Stocks
- Can Jobs Programs Build Peace
- Activity Choices of Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees: Quantitative Survey Evidence from Post-War Northern Uganda
- The effects of violent conflict on household resilience and food security: Evidence from the 2014 Gaza conflict
- The Microeconomics of Violent Conflict
- The Effects of Conflict on Fertility: Evidence from the Genocide in Rwanda
- Food security and violent conflict: Introduction to the special issue
- On the Return on Investment of Security Sector Assistance and Peacebuilding Assistance
- Analysis, Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ADMEL): Designing a Process for Learning from Employment for Stability Programming
- Jobs Aid Peace: Review of the Theory and Practice of the Impact of Employment Programmes on Peace in Fragile and Conflict-affected Countries
- Money can’t buy love but can it buy peace? Evidence from the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation (PEACE II)
- Food Security and Conflict: Empirical challenges and future opportunities for research and policy making on food security and conflict
- Just the Two of Us? Civil Conflicts, Pro-State Militants and the Violence Premium
- Violent conflict and inequality
- Money Changes Everything? Education and Regional Deprivation Revisited
- Measuring Violent Conflict in Micro-Level Surveys: Current Practices and Methodological Challenges
- New Developments in Measuring the Welfare Effects of Conflict Exposure at the Micro-Level
- From Pax Narcotica to Guerra Publica: Explaining Civilian Violence in Mexico’s Illicit Drug War
- Evaluating Protection Outcomes of ICRC EcoSec Interventions
- Peacebuilding Fund Impact Evaluation, Learning and Dissemination: Phase 2 (PeaceFIELD2)
- Mental Health in the West Bank and Gaza
- Anticipating the impact of armed conflict on human development
- LEAD 2 Impact Assessment: Entrepreneurship Training and Social Stability in Somalia and Tunisia
- Financing the Implementation of Peace Agreements
- Financing Peace Processes
- Building Stability Between Host and Refugee Communities through TVET Programming
- Conflict Prevention through Youth Employment in Niger
- Peacebuilding Fund Impact Evaluation, Learning and Dissemination: Phase 1 (PeaceFIELD1)
- Gendered Dimensions of Protracted Forced Displacement in Sudan
- Gendered Dimensions of Forced Displacement in North-east Nigeria
- Addressing the challenges of the forcibly displaced and their host communities in the ESCWA region
- The Micro-level Analysis of the Impact of Violent Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods in the MENA Region
- Agricultural Transformation in Syria: Impact Evaluation of FAO’s Smallholder Support Program
- Inequality and Governance in Unstable Democracies: The Mediating Role of Trust
- Data Gap Analysis for Sustainable Development Goals 16 in Uganda
- Analyzing the Link Between Employment Programs and Social Stability – Phase II
- Rural Youth in the Context of Fragility and Conflict
- On the Return on Investment of Security Sector Assistance and Peacebuilding Assistance
- Analysis, Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ADMEL): Designing a Process for Learning from Employment for Stability Programming
- Analyzing the Link Between Employment Programs and Social Stability – Phase I
- Does Opportunity Reduce Instability? A Meta-Analysis of Skills and Employment Interventions in LMICs
- Crowdsourcing Conflict and Peace ‘Events’ in the Syrian Conflict
- Sowing and Harvesting Peace for Food Security
- Drivers of Mixed Migration: Analyzing the Determinants and the Role of Development and Security Policies in the MENA Region
- Conflict and development. Recent research advances and future agendas
- Impact Happy Hour der Entwicklungspolitik – Was wirkt in der Friedensförderung?
- KOSMOS Lecture: Towards Zero Hunger
- 20th Annual Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) Workshop
- 19th Annual Households in Conflict Network Workshop
- War and Reconstruction in Ukraine – an Academic Workshop
- 18th HiCN Annual Workshop
- 17th Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network: Conflict, Migration, and Displacement
- HG4RR Webinar Series: Nutrition Income Generation Intervention, Uganda
- HG4RR Webinar – Session #3
- 15th Annual HiCN Workshop “New Methods in Empirical Conflict Research”