- The impacts of armed conflict on human development: A review of the literature
- Systematic review on the impacts of agricultural interventions on food security and nutrition in complex humanitarian emergency settings
- The Peace Bargain (Policy Brief)
- The Peace Bargain
- Home garden interventions in crisis and emergency settings
- How to conduct impact evaluations in humanitarian and conflict settings
- State-Based Conflict and Entrepreneurship – Empirical Evidence
- The Life with Corona Survey
- The Economic Burden of Violent Conflict
- A White Paper on Identifying Priority Variables on Households, Firms and Markets for Understanding Micro-Dynamics of Food Security in Insecure Situations
- Conflict and development. Recent research advances and future agendas
- Can Jobs Programs Build Peace?
- New Report: Life with Corona – Shared Global Sentiments and Stark Generational Divides
- The Cost of Talking Peace
- The Cost of Talking Peace: Financing peace negotiation and mediation processes
- Trust in the Time of Corona
- Conflict and development: Recent research advances and future agendas
- Social Protection in Contexts of Fragility and Forced Displacement: Introduction to a Special Issue
- Rural Youth in the Context of Fragility and Conflict
- Micro-Foundations of Fragility: Concepts, Measurement and Application
- Determinants and Dynamics of Forced Migration to Europe: Evidence from a 3-D Model of Flows and Stocks
- The Economics of Counterterrorism: A Survey
- The Microeconomics of Violent Conflict
- Food security and violent conflict: Introduction to the special issue
- On the Return on Investment of Security Sector Assistance and Peacebuilding Assistance
- Analysis, Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ADMEL): Designing a Process for Learning from Employment for Stability Programming
- Jobs Aid Peace: Review of the Theory and Practice of the Impact of Employment Programmes on Peace in Fragile and Conflict-affected Countries
- The Relationships between Food Security and Violent Conflict. A Report to the Food and Agriculture Organization
- Food Security and Conflict: Empirical challenges and future opportunities for research and policy making on food security and conflict
- Can rigorous impact evaluations improve humanitarian assistance?
- Violent conflict and inequality
- Measuring Violent Conflict in Micro-Level Surveys: Current Practices and Methodological Challenges
- New Developments in Measuring the Welfare Effects of Conflict Exposure at the Micro-Level
- The Economic Analysis of Terrorism
- Evaluating Protection Outcomes of ICRC EcoSec Interventions
- Socio-economic impacts of violent conflict and climate change
- Anticipating the impact of armed conflict on human development
- Peacebuilding Fund Impact Evaluation, Learning and Dissemination: Phase 1 (PeaceFIELD1)
- Inequality and Governance in Unstable Democracies: The Mediating Role of Trust
- Gendered Dimensions of Forced Displacement
- Measuring Violent Conflict in Micro-Level Surveys: Training Course
- How to Better Measure and Analyze Food Insecurity in Conflict-affected Areas
- Rural Youth in the Context of Fragility and Conflict
- On the Return on Investment of Security Sector Assistance and Peacebuilding Assistance
- Analysis, Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ADMEL): Designing a Process for Learning from Employment for Stability Programming
- Sowing and Harvesting Peace for Food Security
- Employment Interventions and Peace
- Micro-data on Households, Markets and Firms in Crisis: Understanding micro-economic impact and response to shocks in hard to reach environments
- Conflict and development. Recent research advances and future agendas
- ANH Learning Lab: Conducting Impact Evaluations in Conflict Settings
- KOSMOS Lecture: Towards Zero Hunger
- 20th Annual Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) Workshop
- 19th Annual Households in Conflict Network Workshop
- War and Reconstruction in Ukraine – an Academic Workshop
- CEDIL Policy Workshop 2022
- 18th HiCN Annual Workshop
- New Methods for Impact Evaluations in Conflict and Humanitarian Emergency Settings: An International Interdisciplinary Research Workshop
- Final Webinar in the HG4RR Webinar – Home Gardening under challenging conditions – Concern’s experience from Niger and Bangladesh
- 17th Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network: Conflict, Migration, and Displacement
- HG4RR Webinar Series: Nutrition Income Generation Intervention, Uganda
- HG4RR Webinar – Session #3
- HG4RR Webinar Series – Session #2
- HG4RR Webinar Series – Session #1
- 15th Annual HiCN Workshop “New Methods in Empirical Conflict Research”