Food Security & Nutrition
- Effects of the Intensity and Duration of COVID-19 Lockdown Policies on the Use of Coping Strategies: Evidence from Four African Countries
- Shocking social safety: Evidence from violence and drought in North-east Nigeria
- Impacts of early action support on lives and livelihoods in South Sudan: The Life in Bentiu Study – Final impact report
- Short- and medium-term impacts of small-scale vegetable support on food security: evidence from Syria
- Systematic review on the impacts of agricultural interventions on food security and nutrition in complex humanitarian emergency settings
- COVID-19 Pandemic and Food Insecurity Fuel the Mental Health Crisis in Africa
- Effect of an Integrated School Garden and Home Garden Intervention on Anemia Among School-Aged Children in Nepal: Evidence From a Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial
- Do Work Permits Work? The Impacts of Formal Labor Market Integration of Syrian Refugees in Jordan
- Home garden interventions in crisis and emergency settings
- Baseline Report: Impact Analysis of the FAO Sudan CERF Project
- Violent conflict moderates food security impacts of agricultural asset transfers in Syria: A heterogeneity analysis using machine learning
- Usefulness and misrepresentation of phone surveys on COVID-19 and food security in Africa
- Effects of the intensity and duration of COVID-19 lockdown policies on the use of coping strategies:Evidence from four African countries
- Evaluation of UNHCR’s Engagement in Humanitarian-Development Cooperation
- Syria: Do complex agricultural interventions strengthen food security? (Evidence brief)
- McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition in Kyrgyzstan: Study on Nutritional and Learning Variables, Phase II – Final Report
- Supporting Emergency Needs, Early Recovery and Longer-term Resilience in Syria’s Agriculture Sector (Endline Report 2021)
- Drivers of food choice among children and caregivers in post-earthquake Nepal
- McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition in Kyrgyzstan – Baseline Study on Nutritional Variables
- A White Paper on Identifying Priority Variables on Households, Firms and Markets for Understanding Micro-Dynamics of Food Security in Insecure Situations
- Monitoring and Impact Analysis of the BMZ and EU-funded FAO Resilience Programme in Syria
- Supporting Emergency Needs, Early Recovery and Longer-term Resilience in Syria’s Agriculture Sector
- Data Gap Analysis for SDG-16 In Uganda
- Conflict and development. Recent research advances and future agendas
- Nudging children toward healthier food choices: An experiment combining school and home gardens
- The World Food Programme’s Contribution to Improving the Prospects for Peace in Kyrgyzstan
- Long-term behavioural impact of an integrated home garden intervention: evidence from Bangladesh
- Assets for Alimentation? The Nutritional Impact of Assets-Based Programming in Niger
- The effects of violent conflict on household resilience and food security: Evidence from the 2014 Gaza conflict
- Strengthening Food Security in Acute Crisis Settings: First Insights from North-east Nigeria
- Drivers of Resilience and Food Security in North-east Nigeria: Learning from Micro Data in an Emergency Setting
- Food security and violent conflict: Introduction to the special issue
- An Impact Evaluation of WFP Malnutrition Interventions in Niger
- The Relationships between Food Security and Violent Conflict. A Report to the Food and Agriculture Organization
- Food Security and Conflict: Empirical challenges and future opportunities for research and policy making on food security and conflict
- Impact Study of Drought Anticipatory Action in the Sahel
- Impact Evaluation of WFP and UNICEF’s Joint Programme in Darfur
- Impact Study of the Rural Rehabilitation Initiative in Syria (ILRS)
- Evaluating Social Assistance Programs in Kyrgyzstan
- Agricultural development, climate adaptation and energy transition in the Kyrgyz Republic
- Evaluating Protection Outcomes of ICRC EcoSec Interventions
- Social protection in complex humanitarian settings
- The ‘Life in Bentiu’ Study
- Impact Evaluation on Re-targeting WFP’s Humanitarian Assistance in Lebanon
- Measuring Food System Resilience in Sudan
- Impact Assessment for the Building Local Resilience in Syria (BLRS) Project
- Support for the FAO Impact Analysis of the “Restoring food and nutrition security of affected Farming and pastoral communities in Sudan” project
- Impact Evaluation of a Social Safety Net Intervention in the Republic of Congo
- Resilience in North-East Nigeria
- Anticipating the impact of armed conflict on human development
- Child Development in the Context of a School Feeding Program in Kyrgyzstan: Phase II
- Gendered Dimensions of Protracted Forced Displacement in Sudan
- Gendered Dimensions of Forced Displacement in North-east Nigeria
- Life with Corona in Africa
- SEEDS: Long-term Impacts of a Complex Agricultural Intervention on Welfare, Behaviour and Stability in Syria
- Child Development in the Context of a School Feeding Program in Kyrgyzstan
- Home Gardens For Resilience and Recovery (HG4RR)
- Seeds of Resilience: A Quasi-experimental Impact Analysis of an FAO Emergency Intervention in Syria
- How to Better Measure and Analyze Food Insecurity in Conflict-affected Areas
- Impact Analysis of Food Security Interventions in North-East Nigeria
- Sowing and Harvesting Peace for Food Security
- Feasibility Study to Assess the Use of Existing Micro-data on Somalia for Impact Evaluations
- Micro-data on Households, Markets and Firms in Crisis: Understanding micro-economic impact and response to shocks in hard to reach environments
- Impact Analysis of a Food Security and Resilience Program in Syria
- An Impact Evaluation of WFP Malnutrition Interventions in Niger
- ANH Learning Lab: Conducting Impact Evaluations in Conflict Settings
- KOSMOS Lecture: Towards Zero Hunger
- 20th Annual Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) Workshop
- 10th Annual Life in Kyrgyzstan (LiK) Conference
- 19th Annual Households in Conflict Network Workshop
- Webinar: The impact of agricultural interventions in Syria
- 7th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference
- HG4RR Webinar Series: Impact of home gardens on household dietary diversity and micronutrient status in rural Tanzania
- 17th Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network: Conflict, Migration, and Displacement
- HG4RR Webinar Series – The Permagarden Pathway to Resilience and Food Security
- HG4RR Webinar Series: Nutrition Income Generation Intervention, Uganda
- Workshop on Home Gardens as a Coping Strategy in Crises and Humanitarian Emergencies